Role of Small Scale Irrigation
To mobilize the benefits of small scale irrigation in achieving GFSS, Climate Strategy and Sustainable Development Goals, future investments must build on evidence to achieve goals and address the potential risks. This event aims to identify priorities for future research for development activities in small scale irrigation and agricultural water management aligned with the USAID climate strategy.
The event will facilitate a discussion on the lessons learned on small scale irrigation, water-based adaptation and mitigation, as well as trade-offs, to strengthen future investments and close knowledge gaps, around the questions:
- How does small scale irrigation support climate adaptation and positive resilience outcomes for poor, marginalized farmers, including women farmers?
- How can water-energy-food nexus approaches to small scale irrigation support climate change mitigation?
- How can investments and programs be designed to manage environmental risks and trade-offs?
- What market system and finance innovations could enable partners to scale climate-smart irrigation to meet demand?
- What tools and capacity are needed for effective planning, decision-making and governance of productive water resource use?
Speaker | Presentations |
Jerry Glover, Deputy Director, Center for Agriculture, USAID | Opening Remarks |
Nathanial Matthews, CEO, Global Resilience Partnership | Keynote: Planning for water and future food systems under uncertainty |
Dawit Mekonnen, Research Fellow, (IFPRI) | Creating resilience to extreme climate events: How irrigation has reduced ENSO impacts in Ethiopia |
Fred Kizito, Chief Scientist and Project Manager, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) | Best of both worlds: Irrigation for food and feed |
Gabriella Izzi, Senior Irrigation & Drainage Specialist, World Bank | Farmer-led irrigation initiative |
Claudia Ringer, Deputy Division Director & Hua Xie, Research Fellow, IFPRI | Potential for solar-powered irrigation: Constraints & opportunities under climate change? |
Lucie Pluschke, East Africa Hub Manager, WE4F | Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems – Game changer and nexus approach for Water, Energy and Food Security |
Karin Jeanneret, CEO and Co-owner, ENNOS | State of the art technology for irrigation systems |
Raghavan Srinivasan, Resident Director, Blackland Research and Extension Center and Spatial Sciences Laboratory, Texas A&M University | Mobilizing knowledge partners, technologies and tools to monitor and plan for water resource management under climate change |
Hagar ElDidi, Research Analyst, IFPRI | Experiential learning: Groundwater games and collective action in Ethiopia |
Minh Thai, Senior Researcher – Innovation Scaling, International Water Management Institute (IWMI) | Scaling private sector inclusive business: Lessons learned and knowledge gaps |
Zachary Stewart, Production Systems Specialist, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID | Closing comments and Thanks |
Further details can be found on our Meeting Agenda.
Additional resources:
- Water Governance for Climate Resilient Food Systems
- Accelerating rural energy access for agricultural transformation: contribution of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems to transforming food, land and water systems in a climate crisis
- Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) fodder cutting management in the Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana
- Best of both worlds: Intercropping Napier grass with legumes boosts food and livestock productivity in Ghana
- Farmer-led Irrigation Development (FLID)
- Blog: Solar or diesel? Unlocking groundwater’s potential in sub-Saharan Africa | Africa Energy Portal (africa-energy-portal.org)
- Blog: Breaking new ground with groundwater games in Ethiopia
- Video: Investing in farmer-led irrigation
- Video: Win-win partnerships for scaling Farmer-led irrigation (Africa RISING)
- Video: Water for Food
- Video: Investing in farmer-led irrigation
- Video: Solarizing irrigation through collective actions
- Video: Solar-based irrigation for smallholder farmers
- Video: Win-win partnerships for scaling Farmer-led irrigation