Governing Groundwater: The Why and the How
25 August, 8:30 – 9:50 AM CET Virtual Session ID 10373
Convenors: African Ministers’ Council On Water, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, Feed the Future, Innovation Lab for Small Scale Irrigation of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development at Texas A&M University, International Food Policy Research Institute, NEXUS Gains, Stockholm International Water Institute, World Bank Group
The potential and needs of accelerating groundwater development in Sub-Saharan Africa are large; equally large are the challenges to govern the resource sustainably. This session provides new insights on the economic benefits of growing groundwater development and discusses entry points for better managing groundwater resources.
Session Description
Various studies have pointed to the vast groundwater potential of Africa. Groundwater can support agricultural as well as urban growth through improving water security, food production, and industrial development. However, the region has no framework for developing groundwater sustainably and the overall economic benefits from development as well as potential environmental costs remain unknown. This session provides an overview of global groundwater development trends and then zooms into Sub-Saharan Africa to assess why and how groundwater needs to be governed for the regions future. Specifically, the session will feature presentations on 1) the potential economic benefits from accelerated groundwater development in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2) the role of legal frameworks in supporting sustainable groundwater development in the region; 3) AMCOW’s experience in groundwater management; and 4) experiential games to strengthen groundwater governance: Insights from Ethiopia and Ghana. This will be followed by a panel discussed focused on two key questions: 1) What is needed to develop the promise of groundwater development in Africa? and 2) How can we strengthen groundwater governance in the
9.33-9.43 Moshood Tijani, Senior Policy Officer, Water Resources Management, African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)
9.43-9.50 James Thurlow, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
9.50-10.00 Emmanuel Obuobie, Senior Research Scientist, Water Research Institute – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana
10.00-10.10 Hagar ElDidi, Senior Research Analyst IFPRI
10.10-10.20 Jenny Grönwall, a lawyer and Advisor with SIWI
10.20-10.40: Policy Panel
- Zebene Lakew, Director for Groundwater Resources Directorate, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopia
- Ramon Brentführer, Policy Advisor with the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany
- Nicole Lefore, Director,Innovation Laboratory for Small-Scale Irrigation, Texas A&M
- Cheikh Becaye Gaye, is a Professor at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
10.40-10.50: Q&A
Claudia Ringler
International Food Policy Research Institute
Moshood Tijani
James Thurlow
International Food Policy Research Institute
Emmanuel Obuobie
CSIR-Water Research Institute, Ghana
Hagar ElDidi
International Food Policy Research Institute
Jenny Grönwall
Zebene Lakew Tefferea
Ministry of Water and Energy
Ramon Brentführer
Nicole Lefore
ILSSI, Texas A&M University
Cheikh Becaye Gaye
Academie Nationale des Sciences et Techniques